Paul H. Young TU

Named after Paul H. Young, a cane rod builder and fly-fishing pioneer from Detroit, the Paul H. Young Chapter of Trout Unlimited is a non-profit grassroots organization in metro Detroit whose mission is To conserve, protect and restore North America’s coldwater fisheries and their watersheds starting with out deeply rooted ties here in Michigan.
About Us
Occasionally we need to use custom html to obtain the layouts shown on our demos in specific modules. The code below is what was used on this template:

Image and Content Fader Code:

This is for the code that we used for each slide in the S5 Image and Content Fader module. Titles are entered in the specified module fields.

The Shape5 Vertex Framework is a set of functionality that creates the core logic and structure of a template, and is one of the most flexible, robust and powerful template frameworks available! With an easy to use backend, dozens of positions, endless options, and easy to understand workflow you can build anything on the Vertex framework
<br />
<a class="readon" target="_blank" href="">Learn More</a>

Icon Boxes:

These can be published to any position as a custom html module with no module class applied. Ion Icons must be enabled in the template configuration.

<div style="background:#525353" class="icon_wrap">
<i class="ion-gear-b"></i>
<div class="icon_text">
A powerful template framework, adding logic, functions, and structure to a template.
<br />
<a href="index.php/features-mainmenu-47/template-specific-features" class="readon readon_grey">Read More</a>

Join Button:

This should be published to the custom_2 position as a custom html module with no module class applied.

<div class="centered_text">
Join For Free To Download This Template
<br style="display:none" class="line_break">
<a class="readon readon_black" target="_blank" href="">Download Now</a>

Social Icons:

This should be published to any bottom_row3 position as a custom html module with no module class applied. Ion Icons must be enabled in the template configuration.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In facilisis ante vitae tincidunt aliquam. Vestibulum commodo porta maximus. Morbi ac tincidunt arcu, sit amet venenatis lacus.
<a href="" target="_blank" class="social_icon ion-social-facebook"></a>
<a href="javascript:;" class="social_icon ion-social-twitter"></a>
<a href="javascript:;" class="social_icon ion-social-googleplus"></a>
<a href="javascript:;" class="social_icon ion-social-linkedin"></a>
<a href="javascript:;" class="social_icon ion-social-rss"></a>
The Map it with Google module is displayed on this page. Simply enter your address and the module uses the Google API to display a map with a marker to the address. A user simply clicks the marker and they are prompted with a popup box to get directions. Clicking "Get Directions" will take you to google maps with your business address already entered so all they have to do is enter their address to get directions. You can also specify the size of the map and whether or not to enable or disable certain controls.
Parallax backgrounds as well as other background options are built directly into the Vertex Framework. Parallax causes the background image of an element to scroll at a different speed than your browser. For an example of this view the homepage of the Velocity template here and watch the background of the top_row1 area as you scroll down the page. This feature is found under "Backgrounds" tab in Vetex, where you can control the background for many areas of your website.


  • Set the scroll speed of the images
  • Set background repeat style
  • Set background image size, 100%, cover, contain, etc
  • Set custom backgrounds for all s5 rows in the framework.
  • Enable or disable parallax on a per row basis

Admin Area Of The Backgrounds Tab:

parallax menu admin

parallax menu admin
This template comes loaded with options that you can use to customize your site exactly how you want it. Here's how to get to these custom settings:

  • 01In the backend of Joomla go menu item Extensions/Template Manager.
  • 02Click on the title of the template.
  • 03This will bring you to the template manager screen where you can edit the template's parameters.
  • 04Click save when you are done

I like what I see! I want to JOIN TODAY.
This template is built on the very powerful S5 Vertex Framework, which comes packed with amazing features! Learn More About Vertex...

Every template built on Vertex also comes with its own unique template specific options applicable to that particular template such as highlight colors, social icons, and much more. These features are in addition to the standard functions of Vertex, and are still controlled through the very user friendly interface of Vertex. This page will document the features specific to this template.

Theme Specific Configuration Interface of Vertex

Below is a screenshot that shows all the template specific features available in the user friendly Vertex admin:

Custom Highlight Colors

Stylize your site with any color you want. Set your own custom color scheme with the built in highlight color. This controls menu items, titles, buttons, hover over effects, backgrounds, and much more. You can set this color to any color that you want. In addition, you can set the background color of any row and the background color of the main body via the default Vertex features. Use the links under the Styles menu item to see some live examples.

Custom Highlight Font

Choose a custom highlight font powered by Google fonts. You can set a custom font for the titles, buttons, and much more. This is used in conjunction with the default site font which is controlled under the Layout tab of Vertex, and controls many other elements as well.

Uppercase Letters

Choose to enable or disable uppercase letters on most menu items, buttons, titles and more.

Hide Menu Arrows and First Menu Item

With this option you can disable the menu item sub menu arrows on first level parent items. There is also an option to hide the first menu item entirely.

Menu Titles

Enable or disable the highlight color on the first word on most module classes.

Body Shadow

Around the edge of the main body there is shadow effect. You can disable this shadow or adjust its size, color, and opacity to any setting you would like.

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